Saturday 12 June 2010

Mr B's World Cup of Books:Day 1

The vuvuzelas blared, a continent united in joy, the World Cup finally reaches African soil, and as the dust settles, two key players line up in the tunnel for the first Mr B's World Cup of Books match-up:
For South Africa, a new literary light taking his place as South Africa's representative ahead of maestros such as Coetzee and Gordimer. Damon Galgut with "The Impostor"

And his opposition representing Mexico: Carlos Fuentes with his latest novel "Happy Families"

Result: Galgut-1, Fuentes-1

And batting for France Muriel Barbery with "The Gourmet" - a must read for any budding foodie centring around an eminent food critic who is desperate to pin down an elusive flavour...

Taking on the mighty Barbery is Juan Carlos Onetti from Uruguay with his novel "A Brief Life"

Result: Barbery-0 Onetii-0

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